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蔡文静,中国科学技术大学公共事务学院副教授、硕士生导师,阿姆斯特丹自由大学管理学博士(2018)。研究领域为公共部门人力资源管理、组织行为学和创新管理。主要研究兴趣包括员工创新、领导行为与领导力、职业生涯发展、团队建设动态机制等。在journal of business and psychology, european journal of work and occupational psychology, creativity and innovation management, applied psychology等领域内权威学术期刊发表研究论文近20篇,并荣获journal of business and psychology杂志2019年最佳论文奖、creativity and innovation management杂志2018-2020双年度最高下载量奖等。主持国家自然科学基金一项、安徽省软科学一项、安徽省发改委专项课题一项、安徽省知识产权局专项课题一项、中国科大青年创新基金一项,参与欧盟玛丽居里联合研究项目1项、安徽省市场监督管理局等科研项目若干项。美国管理学会(aom)、欧洲管理学会(egos)、中国管理研究国际学会(iacmr)会员。担任journal of business ethicshuman resource managementcreativity and innovation management、《中国人力资源开发》、《南开管理评论》、《人力资源管理评论》等国内外期刊匿名审稿人。兼任亚洲组织与员工协会安徽站副站长、中荷“孔子学院”中方代表。

academic profile

dr. wenjing cai is an associate professor of organizational behavior at the school of public affairs of the university of science and technology of china (ustc) in p.r. china and assistant visiting professor at the school of business and economics of the vrije universiteit amsterdam (vu) in the netherlands. she  received her phd in science, business and innovation fromvu in 2018.dr. cai’s research focuses on creativity and innovation, careers, team process,leadership approach at work in the international context. currently, she is working on extending her research to examining effects of civil servants’ career behaviors on a diversity of individual and organizational outcomes.

dr. cai has published her researchin academic peer-reviewed journals such as journal of business and psychology, european journal of work and organizational psychology, applied psychology, and creativity and innovation management. she was a lead author of the article “does entrepreneurial leadership foster creativity among employees and teams? the mediation study of creative efficacy beliefs” that has received best paper award for excellence 2019.she is on the ad-hoc editorial boards of thejournal of business ethics,human resource management, and creativity and innovation management.

dr. cai is a master and bachelor thesis supervisors for the hrm master’s program in vuand a coordinator of vu-csc phd program. she alsoserves as achinese coordinator of confucius institute in netherlands. dr. cai teaches several courses such as human resource management in public sectors in ustc, and international human resource management in vu, and alsosupervises phd students, master’s students, and bachelor students.










cai, w., lysova, e.i., khapova, s.n., &bossink, b.a. (2019). does entrepreneurial leadership foster creativity among employees and teams? the mediation study of creative efficacy beliefs. journal of business and psychology., 34(2), 203–217.[2019 journal of business and psychology best paper award]

cai, w., lin-schilstra, l., fan, x., & yang, c.(inpress). does providing opportunities generate creativity? two explanatory mechanisms and boundary conditions of the participative leadership-creativity relationship. conditionally acceptance at theeuropean journal of work and organizational psychology.

cai, w., lysova, e.i., bossink, b.a., khapova, s.n.,& wang, w.(2019).psychological capital and self-reported employee creativity: the moderating role of supervisor support and job characteristics. creativity and innovation management., 28(1), 30-41.[top downloaded paper]

cai, w., el baroudi, s, c., khapova, s.n., & xu, b. (accepted). enhancing team member proactivity through career calling and mentoring: a multi-source and time-lagged study.applied psychology.

fan, m.,&cai, w.(inpress). how does a creative learning environment foster student creativity? an examination on multiple explanatory mechanisms. current psychology.

cai, w., yang, c., bossink, b.a. &fu, j. (2020). linking leaders’ voluntary workplace green behavior and team green innovation: the mediation role of team green efficacy.sustainability.,12, 3404.

cai, w., khapova, s.n., bossink, b.a. &lysova, e.i. (2020). optimizing employee creativity in the digital era: uncovering the interactional effects of abilities, motivations, and opportunities. international journal of environmental research and public health., 17, 1038.

yuan, m.,cai, w.* ,gao, p.&fu, j.(2020). how servant leadership leads to employees?customer-oriented behavior in the service industry?a dual-mechanism model. international journal of environmental research and public health., 17, 2296.

xin, x., cai, w., zhou, w., el baroudi, s.,khapova, s.n.(2020). how can job crafting be reproduced? examining the trickle-down effect of job crafting from leaders to employees. international journal of environmental research and public health., 17, 894.

cai, w., lysova, e.i., khapova, s.n., &bossink, b.a.(2018). servant leadership and innovative work behavior in chinese high-tech firms: a moderated mediation model of meaningful work and job autonomy. frontiers in psychology., 9, 1-13.

fan, m.,cai, w.& jiang, l. (2021). can team resilience boost team creativity among undergraduate students? a sequential mediation model of team creative efficacy and team trust. frontiers in psychology., 12, 604692

wu, j., zhang, s., peng, c., li, j., zhang, s., cai, w.,& chen, d. (2021). the trickle-down effect of leaders’ vwgb on employees’ pro-environmental behaviors: a moderated mediation model.frontiers in psychology., 12, 1-11.

zhao, s.l., song, w., zhu, d.y., peng, x.b., &cai, w. (2013). evaluating china’s regional collaboration innovation capability from the innovation actors perspective—an ahp and cluster analytical approach. technology in society, 35(3), 182-190.



cai, w.awakening employee creativity in organizations. in m. tynnhammar (eds), new waves in innovation management research. vernon press: 97-114.(isbn: 978-1-62273-434-4)

蔡文静,《智能型职业生涯:掌舵你的工作和生活》,中国科学技术大学出版社,isbn: 978-7-312-05357-3

罗平,程雪涛,屈昊,陈伟,蔡文静,《安徽省国际科技合作征程(2013-2020年)》,经济管理出版社,isbn: 978-7-5096-8155-8


2019journal of business and psychology杂志最佳论文奖

2018-2019年度creativity and innovation management杂志最高下载量奖

2019-2020年度creativity and innovation management杂志最高下载量奖

2018年国际ispim 创新管理年会最佳博士毕业论文奖

