2024-11-27 | 查看: 110
姓 名 | 沈娅云 | |
职 称 | 特任副研究员 | |
电 话 | 0551-63602662 | |
邮 件 | shenyayun@ustc.edu.cn | |
主要研究方向 | 环境治理、环境行为、环境经济学 |
2015-2019 erasmus university rotterdam, ph.d.in law & economics
2012-2015 中国政法大学,环境与资源保护法学硕士
2008-2012 北京航空航天大学,法学学士
研究领域为环境治理、环境政策,目前方向包括环境决策(environmental decision-making)、绿色行为。以环境心理学、行为经济学、法经济学理论框架为主,利用计量经济学模型、sem、机器学习对一手或二手数据进行定量分析。
1) ma, c., & shen, y.(corresponding author) (2024). understanding food waste sorting behavior in institutional food services: an integrated psychological framework. journal of environmental management, 360, 121215.
2) shen, y. & ru, p. (2024). saving for the future? integrating time orientations into the norm-activation process of utility-saving behavior. journal of environmental planning and management. advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2024.2421910
3) wang, c., li, y., shen, y., liu, y., ru, p., wei, z., & xie, d. (2024). addressing the influencing path of social noise exposure risk perception on noise mitigation behavior.journal of environmental management, 353, 120238.
4) shen, y. and faure, m. (2024). behavioral instruments in environmental law & policy: potential and challenges. review of european, comparative & international environmental law, 33(1), 3.
5) shen, y. & faure, m.(2024). private standardization for sustainability: opportunities and cases (book chapter), in silva santos et al.(eds.), routledge handbook on private law and sustainability (pp. 448-475). routledge.
6) shen, y. & faure, m. (2021). private standards for the public interest? evidence from environmental standardization in china. review of european, comparative & international environmental law, 30, 396.
7) shen, y. & faure, m. (2021). green building in china. international environmental agreements: politics, law and economics, 21, 183.
8) faure, m. & shen, y. (2020).environmental liability as a tool to promote sustainability (book chapter), in akkermans, b. & van dijck, g. (eds.), sustainability and private law (pp.79-115). eleven international publishing.
9) shen, y. & faure, m. (2018). smart instrument mixes to promote green building. duke environmental law and policy forum, 49, 49.